Hello and welcome to episode 11 of The Ask Sri Vishwanath Show. Today I want to talk about what to do when it seems like everything is going wrong. How would Krishna, Christ or Buddha act in a similar situation?
Today’s question comes from Corinne. She asks “how do you stay motivated when it seems like everything is going wrong?”
That’s a plain and simple question but it’s also one of the toughest. I think we are all learning that there is no one single answer, it all depends on time and the circumstance but I want to share some powerful tips that you can start using right now after you finish reading this post.
The first thing I want to talk about is time. People do not study time properly. Time is more than just the hours passing in the day or the days passing in the week. Time is powerful. It tosses you from end of the crest to the other end. There are times when everything seems to go wrong, you feel like everything you touch will go wrong. Then there are times when everything goes right and we feel wonderful.
Fixing things
This leads us to believe that we are at fault when things go wrong and similarly that it is because of something we’ve done that things have gone right. Remember that there is always a pattern. To change this pattern we need to give up the idea of wanting to fix things. When things go wrong and nothing works we try to change different aspects of our lives in order to fix things. Then another aspect would go wrong and we try to fix that and then another goes wrong.

All that happens is that your mind becomes disturbed and you should never let this happen. Never allow your mind to become disturbed. Give up the attitude of trying to fix things. Now this doesn’t mean you should sit back and do nothing. It just means you give up the attitude of wanting to fix things. The more you try to solve things the more will keep going wrong because when things go bad our minds get disturbed.
That’s why Krishna says “he is the same in pleasure and pain, cold and warm, victory and defeat for he is detached.” The word detachment is not a philosophy it is noticing patterns. When things are not working you’ll notice these patterns and you realise that is not your fault. It’s just time and you have to endure it. You must see it through.
Take a step back and promise yourself that you will not allow your mind to be disturbed. Do whatever it takes to prevent this. Say to yourself that you will not allow it. Make a promise.
The second step is to stop trying to find solutions to everything. When things are going wrong at home or at work, you try to connect it with problems that you are having in your relationship. You try to blame it on money problems or health. We try to blame it on everything, we try an angle possible. It ends up affecting every aspect of our lives. It takes over.
Remember we don’t have to solve every single problem that comes our way. When times are hard and everything goes wrong just step back and say to yourself “I don’t have to solve all this”.
Take one aspect and stick to it. Let’s say you are having problems at work. Then pick that aspect of your life and stick to it. If you are having problems with your relationships then stick with that. If you are having problems with your health then stick with that. If you do this and it’s not working then it’s because your mind has become disturbed.
In your case Corrinne, you’re having trouble with work so don’t look for problems in your relationships or you’re health. Stick to the problem you have with work. So give up the attitude of wanting to fix things. Take a step back and tell yourself that you will not allow your mind to be disturbed and stop trying to find a solution to everything.
Peace in a storm
The third thing you must do is to experience peace in the midst of a storm. Promise yourself that you’ll experience peace as many times as possible while in the midst of a storm. This is essential.

I want to share a poem that was written by Vivekananda. It’s called peace and it’s really beautiful.
Behold, it comes in might,
The power that is not power,
The light that is in darkness,
The shade in dazzling light.
It is joy that never spoke,
And grief unfelt, profound,
Immortal life unlived,
Eternal death unmourned.
It is not joy nor sorrow,
But that which is between,
It is not night nor morrow,
But that which joins them in.
It is sweet rest in music;
And pause in sacred art;
The silence between speaking;
Between two fits of passion —
It is the calm of heart.
It is beauty never seen,
And love that stands alone,
It is song that lives un-sung,
And knowledge never known.
It is death between two lives,
And lull between two storms,
The void whence rose creation,
And that where it returns.
To it the tear-drop goes,
To spread the smiling form
It is the smiling form
It is the Goal of Life,
And Peace-its only home
This is such a beautiful poem and it really speaks about the importance of experiencing peace in the midst of a storm.
So Corrine give up the attitude of wanting to fix things, ensure that your mind doesn’t get disturbed. Remember what Krishna says “he is the same in pleasure and pain, cold and warm, victory and defeat for he is detached.”
Don’t try to solve every little problem you have – focus on one area and endure that. Don’t let it spill over into other aspects of your life. Finally, experience peace in the midst of a storm.
I hope I answered your question. You keep asking questions and I’ll keep answering them.