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Let This Machine Work On Your Mind For One Evening ... And
I guarantee that it will destroy all your abundance blocks.
15 Minutes Every day with this program for one week could be one of the greatest gifts you will give to yourself

When I was small my father solved all my day to day problems. My mother would take care of my emotional problems. When I grew up and entered into the world I was lost. My own desires were giving me problems, my expectations from others would land me into problems, my attraction for pleasure would make me do many things. I would get very upset when things did not work the way I wanted to.
I would wonder why people are behaving in such a strange manner. I was disciplined, committed, studied hard, earned a bunch of professional degrees and achieved very good success in corporate. However, I have to admit I was lost.
My desires kept multiplying without my approval, happiness would appear and disappear without notice, anger would knock on my doors and calmness would foolishly open it leaving me destroyed. There was a wide void expanding inside. It seemed some force was making me do the things I did not want to. I would spit out certain words I would never have wanted to speak. I would engage in certain actions which I had willed to stay away from.
I did not have a very clear idea of happiness, of a purpose driven life but I was sure the path I travelled would not lead me there. It seemed strange how thoughts could appear without my permission, actions executed which were not to my liking. How could all this happen? There was no one to help me. My father, mother, wife and closed ones could not help me because this problem was an internal one... and so I lived….
During this turmoil I had hyper stress issues. I was admitted to the Intensive care unit of the Pittsburgh hospital. I was under heavy medication and needed a break. I came back to India my country of birth. Nothing much changed …However, one day as I boarded a long distance train from Mumbai to Hyderabad with my wife I got a relapse of the hyper stress.
I wanted to jump out of the train but the next stop would be 30 minutes later. I created a scene and put everyone to discomfort. Sitting on the other side of my seat was a young man around 22yrs. I was 27yrs at that time. He was smiling looking at me. I was dying and this man was smiling. I wanted to punch him but he called me to his side and said
“You will not Die…. Don’t panic.. Just Change Your Inner Lens…” I had no idea what he was talking about but the fact that someone told me I will not die was a big relief to me. He spoke to me for fifteen minutes. My consciousness listened. The train stopped at the next station. I got out… My spiritual journey had begun.
In search of the lens
I had to figure this out. What is consciousness? What is it really capable of doing? What are its powers? How do I experience the warmth and joy of my consciousness? I immersed myself into my spirit. I studied, practised and realised every single word of Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Sharda Devi and many other great souls. Krishna, Christ and Buddha were my heroes. During this period my son Vignesh was born.
Everything miraculously changed from that point on. Fast forward 15years… I wrote 13 bestselling books on spirituality, am ranked in the top 50 in the world in “Mind, Body and Spirit”. Check out this image from my dashboard where i am consistently ranked in the top 50 in the world in Mind body and spirit and me speaking as a keynote speaker in Amazon's seminar alongwith JonFine Director of Amazon for Public Relations

However I have to admit though the spiritual stars aligned itself in my favour the journey was never smooth. It was a constant struggle between my new found knowledge and my limited personality.I had no living guru and I am glad I did not have one for if I had settled for a mediocre one my growth would have been stunted.
I wanted a guru of the like of Swami Vivekananda unfortunately I could not find one. My lens became my teacher and so it took me 15 long yrs. I followed the path of trial and error. I was not ready to give up my deluded lens and so I struggled.
If I had a teacher of the like of Swami Vivekananda I would have reached the goal in less than 9 months. That is what quality teachers do. They cut down your learning curve by more than ninety percent. I persisted though in my journey.
How my madness will help you reach your goal?
Ramakrishna once said “Everyone is mad about something. Most are mad for wealth, women, fame and power. My madness is the highest. I am mad about God” I was ashamed of myself. I had written all these great bestselling books on spirituality but I had not yet reached the summit. I was still scaling the peak of yoga. I was far ahead of most seekers but I was still climbing the peak.
I intensified my spiritual campaigns. I introduced the element of divine madness. My hunger to experience the spiritual heights of Ramakrishna expanded thousand fold. I scourged through the verses of Bhagavad Gita every day. I spent six hours every single day reading the Bhagavad Gita from the start to the end. It was a wonder what made me recite the 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita every single morning and evening. It happened effortlessly, I would close my eyes and these verses would trickle in. No book, no audio nothing. Krishna had himself become my teacher
I recited Bhagavad Gita for twelve straight months. Finally one day light broke in.. All worship, sacrifice and love fully accepted and completed. I woke up one day to a completely different level of transcendental experience. It was beautiful, refreshing, seemed so natural and uplifting. It seemed so real that I could talk to this mysterious force, touch it, see it.
From that day on a strange peace followed me everywhere. Everything outside was the same. Everything inside was also the same. My same body, My same mind, my same intellect. What changed? Nothing… I had touched that which never changes. My consciousness. My real lens.
Change Your Life without Changing YOU
All correction automatically happens at the level of consciousness. You don’t have to do anything. There is no effort involved to reach your consciousness. Consciousness is a gift by God to you. You simply have to accept it. This gift is unwrapped by a great teacher to a great student.
I want to share with you the best work of my life. It will help You wear Your Real Lens. You don’t you don’t have to go through 15years of trauma, trouble and frustration I encountered. The connection is instant. My consciousness wants to speak to your consciousness. The result will be transcendental.
Everything is easy only if you know how.
Yesterday I was talking to my premium client who pays $1997 every six weeks and she told me “ I don’t need your model any more..”
I was shocked because only one day had passed since she enrolled for the coaching calls. I was about to tell her to wait a week when she asked “ Do you have another program which has got unlimited access to you. I would like to enrol. You can charge my card..”
I did not quite understand where she was going on here…
She then went to explain how she had paid tens of thousands of dollars to various self mastery and abundance programs and got nothing but more information….
Your program changed my entire outlook on life
“The first 20 minutes of your first module destroyed all my abundance blocks and she went on to express how she was shocked.. How could this be so powerful she asked me…
I said “ I don’t know….. She smiled. We spoke for 20 minutes…..

For the first time I am realising this to the public. Till now this was only for those who paid $1997… It is called the Unlimited Abundance Mastery…. 7 days to a Happier Life . It is a A Fast Track Approach To tap into your inner strength to manifest abundance and total wellbeing no matter what is happening around you.
It has taken me 15yrs to perfect this model. This model is an ancient one taught by Krishna to Arjun in the Bhagavad Gita. I have distilled it into a very simple step by step model that will take you from knowledge to execution to transformation to results in less than 7 days..
This course is going to be sold for $497 . It contains 10 modules, step by step videos, action guides, audios and pdfs which you can print and follow through
Click here to secure your 70% discounted copy now
Only for new subscribers we are selling it for a 70% discount for only $97. This is huge. You will end the year on a high note and it will be the single best investment for this year.
Bonus No 1
Plus to make it easy you will have 30 days access via email to me you can ask me questions and I will answer this is golden. Value $997…
Bonus No 2
Reason why bad things happen to good people. This is a full blown 7 module course that sells for $97 every single day. You get this free if you are the first 100 to enrol.
It does not matter if you are new to all this or you have already purchased a dozen program this takes you from knowledge to execution to transformation and results in less than 7 days as simple as that….
Get in only if you are serious. Once the deadline is over we will be selling it for $497. So it a huge bargain. I look forward to serving you and wish you all good luck

P.S. Experience real power of the spirit. Don’t be left behind. You have nothing to lose. We have a 30 day money back and we refund transaction in less than 8 hours. You don’t have to beg and plead. Click here to end to experience the awesomeness

Helps Where No Teacher Could
"I've read books from Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Neale Donald Walsh, Paul Wilson, Eckhart Tolle and other great teachers and authors. Ever since I was about 14 years old I read everything I could get my hands on.
“Sometimes I’d think I had it figured out, but would soon bounced back to where I was before. Nothing seemed to be enough to hold my attention for long. Finally I wasn't doing anything with any program any more. And the same goes for other things in my life. So now I am almost 38 years old, and never achieved much, in spite of my far-more-than-average knowledge of self-help, positive thinking, the ways of the mind, etc. Then I read this.
“And now, for once, I feel a silence in my mind, body, and spirit like I never experienced. I am grateful to you in a way I cannot express. And I know this is only the beginning.
“Thank you Vish, for helping me achieve what no other teacher ever could.”
Greetings and affection, Carlos V Switzerland

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